There are times when we long to be able to help someone whom we love very much , but we can do nothing . circumstances will not allow us to approach them , or the person is closed off to any gesture of solidarity and support .
Then all we are left with is love . at such times , when we can do nothing else , we can still love – without expecting any reward or change or gratitude .
If we do this , the energy of love will begin to transform the universe about us . wherever this energy appears , it always achieves its ends . ' time does not transform man . will – power does not transform man . love transforms ' , says Henry Drummond .
I read in the newspaper about a little girl in Brasilia who was brutally beaten by her parents . As a result , she lost all physical movements , as well as the ability to speak !
Once admitted to hospital , she was cared for by a nurse who said to her every day : ' I LOVE YOU ' . although the doctors assured her that the child could not hear and that all her efforts were in vain , the nurse continued to say : 'DON'T FORGET , I LOVE YOU '
Three weeks later , the child recovered the power of movement . Four weeks later , she could again talk and smile . The nurse never gave any interviews , and the newspaper did not publish her name , but let me set this down here , so that we never forget : LOVE CURES !
But , sometimes , love builds deadly traps and can end up destroying a person who had resolved to give him or herself completely .
What is this complex feeling which , deep down , is the only reason we continue to live , struggle and improve ?
It would be irresponsible of me to attempt to define it , because I , along with every other human being , can only feel it . thousands of books have been written on the subject , plays have been put on , films produced , poems composed , sculptures carved out of wood or marble ; and yet all any artist can convey is the idea of a feeling , not the feeling itself .
But I have learned that this feeling is present in the small things , and manifests itself in the most insignificant of our actions .
It is necessary , therefore , to keep love always in mind , regardless of whether or not we take action .
Picking up the phone and saying the affectionate words we have been postponing. Opening the door to someone who needs our help . Accepting a job . leaving a job . taking a decision that we were putting off for later . asking forgiveness for a mistake we made and which keeps niggling at us . Demanding a right that is ours . Opening an account at the local florist's , which is a far more important shop than the jeweller's . Putting music on really loud when the person you love is far away , and turning the volume down
when he or she is near . Knowing when to say 'yes' and 'no' , because love works with all our energies . Discovering a sport that can played by two . Not following any recipe , not even those cantained in this paragraph , because love requires creativity .
And when none of this is possible , when all that remains is loneliness , then remember this story that a reader once sent to me :
A rose dreamed day and night about bees , but no bee ever landed on her petals !
The flower , however , continued to dream. During the long nights , she
imagined a heaven full of bees , which flew down to bestow fond kisses on her . by doing this , she was able to last until the next day , when she opened again to the light of the sun .
One night , the moon , who knew of the rose's loneliness , asked : ' Aren't you tired of waiting ? '
' Possibly , but I have to keep trying . '
' Why ? '
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